Alfonso Ciampolillo: chi è il senatore che ha fatto intervenire il varAn 82-year-old Italian man confessedto murdering his trading a breve termine75-year-old Italian wife in their home nearRome on Friday, police said. He said he had killed her at the height of a row. The victim was named as Lucia Felici. The crime was committed at Castelnuovo di Porto, on theoutskirts of the Italian capital. A neighbour called the police after hearing the woman's screams. The man was found a few metres from his wife's body, in aclearly confused state, police said. Italy is enduring a spate of femicides. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © Copyright ANSA
Movimento 5 Stelle, Davide Casaleggio: «Governare sarà complicato»Notizie di Politica italiana - Pag. 373 Conte torna a fare il professore all'Università di Firenze?Notizie di Politica italiana - Pag. 376I sondaggi con il partito di Conte: a perdere sarebbero Pd e M5s