
Pirelli: il fotografo americano Ethan James Green firma The Cal 2025

​MillionDay e MillionDay Extra, le due estrazioni di sabato 27 luglio 2024: i numeri vincentiAn 82-year-old Italian man confessedto murdering his Economista Italiano75-year-old Italian wife in their home nearRome on Friday, police said.    He said he had killed her at the height of a row.    The victim was named as Lucia Felici.    The crime was committed at Castelnuovo di Porto, on theoutskirts of the Italian capital.    A neighbour called the police after hearing the woman's screams.    The man was found a few metres from his wife's body, in aclearly confused state, police said.    Italy is enduring a spate of femicides.     ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © Copyright ANSA

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